Nature travel in Bhutan can be a breathtaking and rewarding experience, offering the chance to explore some of the country’s most pristine and untouched landscapes. Here are some things to keep in mind when planning a nature-focused trip to Bhutan:

  1. Choose the right time of year: The best time for nature travel in Bhutan depends on your interests and the activities you want to do. For example, the spring months (March to May) offer opportunities for birdwatching and seeing wildflowers, while the autumn months (September to November) are ideal for hiking and wildlife spotting.
  2. Visit national parks and protected areas: Bhutan has several national parks and protected areas that offer opportunities for wildlife watching, trekking, and camping. Some popular destinations include Jigme Dorji National Park, Royal Manas National Park, and Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary.
  3. Hire a local guide: A local guide can help you navigate Bhutan’s rugged terrain and spot wildlife and plants that you might miss on your own. They can also provide valuable insights into Bhutanese culture and history.
  4. Be prepared for the weather: Bhutan’s weather can be unpredictable, and it’s important to pack appropriate clothing and gear for the activities you plan to do. For example, if you plan to hike or camp, bring warm clothing and rain gear, as well as sturdy hiking boots.
  5. Respect the environment: Bhutan’s natural landscapes are fragile and vulnerable to human impact, and it’s important to be mindful of your impact on the environment. This may include following Leave No Trace principles, not disturbing wildlife or natural habitats, and using eco-friendly products.


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